
We screen-print and kiln-fire all of our glass gas pump globe lenses right here in our shop using techniques from the 1920s and 30s—this includes screening with permanent ceramic ink that will not fade or peel. Additionally, we take care to use accurate colors true to the originals, so your globes will stand out on top of your restored gas pump and reflect the originals.

We offer hundreds of designs on 13.5″ lenses and 15″ lenses, so you’re sure to find something you love. Find coordinating and/or complementary decals produced right alongside the globes.

Need to illuminate your globe? Check out our bodies & accessories to make it shine.

Note on 13.5″ lenses: Our 13.5″ lenses are notched for plastic bodies. If you are planning to install them in a glass body, please note that on your order, and we can notch them for that purpose.

Note on unpainted steel bodies: Unpainted steel bodies may arrive with small areas of surface rust, which can easily be removed with gentle use of fine sandpaper or steel wool. They must be painted to prevent rust.

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